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This is a great question and one that we are contacted with all the here goes 😀
Convention of Consent
This is a document that will be used for legal action once enough people have signed (Citizens and Indigenous aged 15 and older).
It is a document uniting everyone who signs, through an agreement that they want their Collective Civil and Political Rights to collectively have final decision-making power over elected government(s) decisions. To be able to hold government(s) accountable at all times 365 days a year for corruption and decisions made not in the best interests of everyone in Canada.
The first step, once enough have united by signing, is a legal action for the Collective Citizens and Indigenous People to be placed where we should have been in the Head of State in our constitution.
This first step accomplishes two major things:
It gives us our independence to self-determine how we want to be governed in a way that is not taken away during elections. It places us INTO our Constitution in a way that our rights can never again be taken away by elite politicians, those they work for, and their own agendas.
It is a major part of decolonizing Canada. Belonging to the Commonwealth does not have a "mandatory requirement" of having a monarch a Head of State in Constitutions. The only requirement is that the Country acknowledge the monarchy as head of the Commonwealth. Since 1982 all executive powers belonging to the Queen of Canada as the Head of State have belonged to the Prime Minister, Executive Cabinet and Privy Council. Our government(s) have a long history of being accountable only to themselves (the elite and their corporations) and this was solidified in 1867 and again in 1982. It is time for Canada to belong to its we've been promised it always has been in speeches, but not in actions.
Letter of Independence to the UK
First a little get to why this is important...
In 1931, via the Statute of Westminster, Canada and its Citizens and Indigenous People were given their "independence" to decide for ourselves how we wished to be governed...along with every dominion and state that is a part of the Commonwealth.
However, our Federal Government at the time decided "we were not ready" and requested that the UK Parliament hold final decision-making authority for amending our Constitution (BNA Act 1867). Meaning our Constitution would remain an Act under the UK Parliament and not Canada's Parliament with the express understanding that we only had to ask for our independence for it to become ours.
Then in 1960, Canada signed a UN Declaration to decolonize...and once again our Federal Government stated "we were not ready".
Then in 1982, Canada sent a bill, known as the Canada Bill of 1981, to the UK Parliament. It was our "new" Constitution and it caused a lot of confusion and discussion amongst the UK Parliament.
Because all the Prime Minister at the time needed to do, in order to approve our New Constitution in our own Canadian Federal Parliament was to send a simple letter stating we were now ready for our independence. That's it.
Despite all the drama around the Canada Bill of 1981, involving the voices of the people, or rather the extreme lack of any consultation of the people of Canada, the UK Parliament approved it and it became Canada's Constitution of 1982 and included what we know today as our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Again, it was noted in the UK Parliament Hansards that all the Canadian people (Citizens and Indigenous) need to go have their independence was to ask for was now in our hands. is in all our hands...and we have created a way to ask for it, via a letter.
This is simply another way for us to be placed in our Constitution, where we always should have the Collective Head of State with final decision-making authority.
So What Is Final Decision-Making Authority and How Will It Be Used?
It is the difference between being under a dictatorship or being free to decide for yourself.
Who holds it can stop any decisions by any government(s) in Canada and can correct any damage from past decisions, should they so choose.
For the first time since 1867 we, the people of Canada, would be in our own Constitution in a way that truly protects us...our lives...and our Country!
As a Collective Head of State, we all would be able to hold referendums for all policies that affect our lives. We would stop any "wrongful declarations" by Prime Ministers or government officials that bring us harm. We would, collectively, oversee the corporation we all own...Canada. We've always been shareholders, and we've always paid taxes to keep it running.
It's time to shift to dividends for people of our country...all of a Collective...instead of only to the political elite and the corporations they own or are owned by.