Answers to help you to reply when others question this letter.
To Canadian Senators FYI: This is your chance to return our country to the Canadian People and finally do what is right. RE: CANADA ACT 1982 CORRECTIONS AND FORMAL PROCLAMATION Please accept our respectful request for assistance for final corrections to the CANADA ACT 1982 stemming from the Canadian Government failing to meet its obligations to the People of Canada by 1997, given that the Imperial Parliament of the United Kingdom still has policy responsibility over the “Canada Act 1982” as it received Royal Assent within the Imperial Parliament and is still in force within your legislature. We further request a formal Proclamation regarding these corrections as soon as possible to save our country and to restore peace, order, and good governance. March 03, 2022 By: FAX, EMAIL and/or BAILIFF To: THE UNITED KINGDOM WITHOUT PREJUDICE UK Imperial Parliament: Her Majesty The Queen Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA And The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP Prime Minister 10 Downing Street London SW1A 2AA And The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Supreme Court of the United Kingdom Parliamentary Members of Her Majesty’s Government Privy Council of the United Kingdom House of Lords ________________________________________________________________________
Your Majesty the Queen, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Elizabeth Truss, Parliamentary Members of Her Majesty’s Government, Privy Council of the United Kingdom, House of Lords, Members of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom: We, the Canadian Peoples’ Political and Civil Rights Union, would like to apprise you of what transpired in Canada in 1931, 1960 and 1982. The Imperial Parliament had, and still owes, a responsibility to the Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples of Canada whose collective voice was excluded by the Canadian Government from having an active role of self-determination in their own governance in the Canada Constitution 1867-1982 (Canada Act 1982), (the “Constitution”).
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 16, 1966. Canada acceded to the Covenant on May 19, 1976, as did the United Kingdom.
The Canadian citizens and the Indigenous Peoples of Canada are the de facto employer of all levels of government in Canada, in that it is by our authority that the Canadian government holds its decision-making power in legislature. Nevertheless, we have been consistently oppressed and not recognized as the de facto employer of the Canadian Government which does not listen to, respect, or work with our collective voice at any time outside of elections unless politically motivated or lobbied to do so. We, the supposed independent masters of our country have remained the serfs without legal recourse.
This issue is not merely about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his government, Senators, Parliamentarians, and all levels of Provincial governments arbitrarily passing unconscionable laws, notably within the last four years whereby our rights and freedoms have been expunged, but specifically pertaining with respect to the decisions made to derogate from the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, his latest affront being the invocation of the Emergencies Act, 2022, which he tried to pass into law.
In addition, the Canadian judicial system also fails its citizens wherein Justices are seen to turn the rule of law into opinion pieces issued as rulings, as shown during the COVID-19 outbreak and thereafter. This, in and of itself, is repugnant to the rule of law. Justices have even gone so far as to issue demands for psychiatric evaluation of lawyers whose legal opinions differed from theirs.
After many attempts to remind Justice Minister and Attorney General David Lametti, Parliamentarians, Provincial Legislatures, the Governor General, the Treasury Board, the Senators and the Ethics and Privacy Commissioners of their derogation from both the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights, they continued their assault on the citizens’ rights.
As you are well aware that all Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples collectively possess the political and civil right to self-determination, we wish to invoke those rights within our governing structure immediately before any more damage is done to our people and country by those who have infiltrated our government through elections, transferring the country’s resources to a global governance strategy known as the Great Reset, without the Peoples’ informed consent.
In 1931 the United Kingdom granted Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples the right to self-determination through free and sovereign independence. However, the government refused to recognize the sovereign prerogative rights of its people.
The Canada Act 1982 is still in force in the UK Parliament. Although renamed in Canada as the Canada Constitution Act 1867-1982, the federal and provincial governments have been using it with their own constitutions and Supreme Court rulings as playbooks to circumvent the rights of Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples. By means of such constitutional conventions, the governments seized the Head-of-State powers granted to us in our Constitution without our full knowledge or consent.
When looking at the grand scheme of things, it is evident that a corporate COUP D’ETAT has been surreptitiously implemented, not only within our country by our very own governments since 1931, but also globally. The Canadian Government went so far as to use His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen to circumvent their authority in Parliament through the Governor General by not fully allowing the people a true voice in the decision-making process.
As long as the Canadian federal and provincial governments hold final decision-making authority with no accountability, this country and its people will never be free or protected from the tyranny and oppression that we, the people of Canada have witnessed as victims to this day.
Consequently, our purpose and mandate are, once and for all, to place Canadian citizens and the Indigenous Peoples of Canada collectively in our lawful place within the Canadian Constitution, above the Crown of Canada. Moreover, our rights encompass those of the collective sovereigns to inherit the royal prerogative.
Prime Ministers William Lyon Mackenzie King and Pierre Elliot Trudeau, together with the provincial premiers, have deliberately denied us our collective rights since 1931, and excluded us from our rightful position within the provisions of the Canada Act 1982 and the Canadian Constitution Act 1867-1982.
The arrogance displayed by all levels of our government’s totalitarian overreach, needs to end now.
Therefore, we are asserting our lawful and legal rights, not only through corrections that were omitted from the Statute of Westminster 1931 and the implementation of the Canada Act 1982, but also through the international instruments that Canada has signed which form an integral part of customary international law to which Canada must adhere.
In the past 45 days, we have witnessed convoy supporters from across the country, along with millions of Canadians who are ready and willing to effectuate fundamental changes as to how the Canadian citizens and the Indigenous Peoples are to govern our country with our elected governments in mutual respect and integrity.
Rather than meeting with the people, the Government the house of commons unlawfully invoked the national Emergencies Act against Canadians standing up for our rights. By doing so, the Canadian Government had suddenly transformed freedom-fighting, peaceful citizens that were only defending the political and civil rights of all Canadians as branded terrorists and insurrectionists. Some being held as political prisoners.
Even though the Government revoked its decree within days, it continues to inflict its wrath upon the people and our country by seizing supporters’ bank accounts without warrants and cancelling the truckers’ insurance. Obviously, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, and Minister of Justice David Lametti have neglected to read the Emergencies Act preamble recognizing the International Law on Political and Civil Rights which also includes the right to non-derogation of those rights during a pandemic or WAR.
Emergencies Act
R.S.C., 1985, c. 22 (4th Supp.)
An Act to authorize the taking of special temporary measures to ensure safety and security during national emergencies and to amend other Acts in consequence thereof
[1988, c. 29, assented to 21st July, 1988]
WHEREAS the safety and security of the individual, the protection of the values of the body politic and the preservation of the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the state are fundamental obligations of government;
AND WHEREAS the fulfilment of those obligations in Canada may be seriously threatened by a national emergency and, in order to ensure safety and security during such an emergency, the Governor in Council should be authorized, subject to the supervision of Parliament, to take special temporary measures that may not be appropriate in normal times;
AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency;
The Convoy and its millions of Canadian supporters across Canada should serve as a reminder for our governing bodies that neither Canadians nor its Indigenous Peoples are to be ignored.
By invoking our collective political and civil rights, our Government will no longer hold the political power bestowed upon it at elections as the ultimate ruler of our country without accountability. The political power belongs to all Canadian citizens and the Indigenous Peoples. The same must be said of the collective rights of the Indigenous Peoples regarding their governance.
Canadian citizens and the Indigenous Peoples of Canada are equal partners within Canada; neither one prevails over the other. Our governing bodies should have included us as the final decision makers through referenda affecting major issues concerning our country and its governance on each side of the Two Row Wampum Treaty 1613 and the Royal Proclamation 1763.
Our mandate is not to destroy our governance or governments, it is about enforcing our lawful and legal collective political and civil rights over our governance. We, as Canadian citizens are willing and ready to legally move forward to invoke this much-needed change.
Assertion of our collective political and civil rights demands the protection of said rights to our country and its resources for our and future generations. Our society is undergoing a profound restructuring, not least of which is a trans-humanist agenda. This is being enacted without our full knowledge or informed consent which is a conflagration against our own laws and criminal code.
Unbeknownst to most Canadians, the lobbyists, whose main purpose is to eliminate our rights and freedoms, thereby destroying the Constitution itself, have participated in the GREAT RESET agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF) by installing themselves within our political party system of governance, including the establishment in 2008 of the Global Parliament of Mayors.
The WEF, with Chrystia Freeland (Canada’s Minister of Finance), sitting on its Board of Trustees has infiltrated more than 100 countries. The WEF’s business transactions do not only include Public-Private Partnerships, lobbying and international trade, this is a FINANCIAL COUP D’ETAT against our resources, our country and our sovereignty as a whole.
The aftermath of what has transpired in the past six years, or even since 1982, is criminal. In other countries, safeguards have been implemented providing for the arrest of those involved in the usurping of citizens’ civil and political rights. However, our federal and provincial governments, over time, have striven to guarantee themselves immunity from prosecution for their actions. This, too, needs to end now.
Canadians have options to permanently eradicate the corruption within our government once and for all:
· to revoke the political power held by those elected;
· to change Section 9 of the Constitution entitled “Declaration of Executive Power In The Queen” (Prerogative and Executive Power) to be transferred directly to the collective Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples immediately, or as soon as humanly possible, since the Constitution and the Crown Corporation belong to the Canadian citizens and the Indigenous Peoples, and not to the Government itself.
This demand is our right and one that we will be officially implementing from this day forward, as this is how it should have always been, and can be, in light of the latest COUP D’ETAT by the Trudeau ******* Government.
Canada, with all its assets and governance, belongs to the people. Our purpose is not to destroy but to enhance and protect our country from those who seek to rape and pillage its resources.
Therefore, we ask of the United Kingdom Imperial Government to implement the necessary modifications to the Canada Act 1982 to reflect the changes required by placing the prerogative, and executive final decision-making authority upon the collective peoples of Canada with all decisions to be made through referenda.
We thought it necessary to request these modifications as our Constitution is still in force in your legislature. We are aware that, whereas our government had not fulfilled all of its requirements, and since it is held within your legislature, then it is still in full force and effect and the final ties to the United Kingdom still remain and have not been spent to this day. UK Parliament Hansard: Legislation, Volume 447: debated on Monday 12 June 2006 (Canada Act 1982 is listed as still being in force)
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has policy responsibility for the following Acts (or parts thereof) which remain in force and which received Royal Assent between 1976 and 2006. Some of the Acts contain provisions which appear to be spent. A definitive list of all the parts of Acts in the relevant period for which the Department has responsibility could not be provided without incurring disproportionate cost.
UK Law Commission
Statute Law Repeals: Consultation Paper
SLR 03/14: Closing date for responses – 27 February 2015
General Repeals
Candidates for repeal are selected on the basis that they are no longer of practical utility. Usually this is because they no longer have any legal effect on technical grounds -because they are spent, unnecessary or obsolete. But sometimes they are selected because, although they strictly speaking do continue to have legal effect, the purposes for which they were enacted either no longer exist or are nowadays being met by some other means.
Statute law repeals at the Law Commission - A review of our work 1965 to 2010
So what has been repealed as a result of our statute law repeals work since the Law Commission started in 1965?
The following pages set out some of the more interesting repeals. To give an historical flavour they are grouped according to the reign in which they were originally passed by Parliament. The repeals were sometimes because the statutes in question had become obsolete (having done their work). But many repeals were because the Act had become superseded by later legislation. So the repeal of an Act banning (or allowing) a particular activity did not necessarily mean that the activity was thereafter made legal (or illegal): often it just meant that the Act was no longer needed because the activity in question was banned (or allowed) by more recent legislation.
We are also aware that the United Kingdom’s priorities have been to Canada and its people as a whole and not to the federal or provincial governments, evidenced by the drafting of the Statute of Westminster 1931, and again with the Canada Act 1982 in the minutes of the UK Hansards, the Kershaw report and the Imperial Conferences of 1926 - 1931.
History of events
Unfortunately, inasmuch as the United Kingdom committees tried to ensure that Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples would be protected, they faulted when they chose to only follow colonial constitutional practice with regard to the Canada Act 1982 neglecting our collective political and civil rights.
The transfer of the Canadian Constitution from the United Kingdom to Canadian responsibility was not done in consideration of Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples (patriation), but in light of the continued colonialism embodied through the sovereignty and prerogative power of Parliament.
This power was given to the government over Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples’ International Law collective self-determination rights within the United Nations Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples 1960.
This matter was debated and recorded in the Hansards. It was at the time and always will be within the collective’s political and civil rights, in its entirety, enabling us to choose our own system of governance democratically.
The United Kingdom, the Canadian Government, and the Supreme Court of Canada were all aware of the Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples’ collective rights through decolonization and self-determination from a colonial system of governance.
The Canadian Government and Senate purposely failed to mention these facts in the Canada Bill (now Canada Act 1982) renamed the Canada Constitution Act 1867-1982. These facts were further omitted from the Kershaw report.
Through patriation of the Canada Act 1982 and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Government purposely disregarded the political and civil rights, and the rights of decolonization and self-determination of the Canadian citizens and the Indigenous Peoples.
The Canada Act 1982 was the catalyst that allowed the current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s son, to bring about the third COUP D’ETAT whereby he, his government and political party, as well as all parliamentarians, senators, provincial premiers, mayors and Band Council members set about to divest us of our rights, freedoms, natural resources, and our country, through the WEF agenda, leaving us without lawful recourse to protect what has not already been stolen by corporate greed.
The people were once again denied their true freedom to invoke their collective rights to self-determination and self-governance. No Sovereign, Governor General or government has the right to rule over the peoples’ will, as is being perpetrated in Canada. That should be up to the people to determine. Justifying a government’s decision to implement a certain matter should not be based solely on a simple survey or poll of, say, 1500 to 2000 participants out of almost 38 million inhabitants because that would not be a fair representation and inaccurately states that the majority of Canadians agree.
By governing based on political precedence instead of law, the Canadian Government is not acting according to the will of the people, but to that of a colonial system of governance. By law, the government would have to hold referenda before decision making can be undertaken, although the imperial conferences did clearly state in the King’s oath and recited by Mackenzie King that the people were above government, and directly under him. The position may be summed up in the words of Mr. Mackenzie King:- “… Particularly significant was the new form of the Oath by which the King solemnly declared the sense in which he has accepted the Crown. For the first time South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Canada are expressly named. His Majesty thus records that sovereignty is to be exercised in the interest of the peoples of Canada, and the other countries set forth, according to their own laws and customs. For the first time in this great ceremony it was recognised that the relationship between the King and his people of Canada is direct and immediate. The Oath has long embodied the principles upon which our system of democratic governance is built. It now recognise that the relationships of the several peoples under the Crown, one with another, as well as with foreign states, have become interpenetrated by the ancient principles of freedom and the rule of law. (emphasis added)
Thus it may be said that the new Oath, preserving the old and finding place for the new, embodies in simple fashion our political faith, and mirrors the structure of this group of free, equal and autonomous states known as the British Commonwealth of Nations.” Citation:(1937) The imperial conference, 1937: Summary of proceedings, , 27:108, 888-905, DOI: 10.1080/00358533708450899 After WWII, the Covenant on Decolonization opened the door to self-determination in 1960. It can be proven through International Law and the Imperial conferences, that the people still remain above the government to intervene whenever we collectively choose. Self-determination is constant, it is not to be used and discarded only through each federal or provincial election. However, the Canadian and provincial governments made certain that we would not have legal recourse to do so. Kershaw report section 80 states in part: “the ... ministerial warnings against the impropriety of questioning at Westminster any federal proposal seem to overlook the distinction between questioning Canada's sovereignty as a state and taking into account the limited legislative sovereignty of its federal Parliament. No one doubts that the Federal Government represents and speaks for Canada in its external relations and foreign policy. But in the matter of constitutional legislation there is a limitation placed on the plenitude of its authority to act, placed on it not by the United Kingdom but by the people and constitution of Canada" Kershaw report section 85 states: “Nothing in our Report casts any doubt on Canada's full independence as a sovereign state in the international legal and political order. In 1931, when Canada was becoming a sovereign and independent state, the governments of Canada and its Provinces agreed that the power to amend the BNA Acts should remain with the UK Parliament. The Government and Parliament of Canada, with the concurrence of the Provinces, requested the UK Parliament to enact a special provision of the Statute of Westminster (s.7(1)). The whole point of this special provision was to remove the BNA Acts from the scope of the power then being conferred (by sections 2 and 7(2)) on the Canadian Parliament and the Provincial legislatures, viz the power to override UK statutes. Thus responsibility for amending the BNA Acts was retained by the UK Parliament at the express and explicit wish of all the appropriate Canadian authorities. That responsibility has been exercised since then on nine occasions. There was in 1931 no suggestion that the responsibility was to be retained on condition that it be exercised in any manner other than the manner in which it had been exercised prior to 1931.” However, this is not precise since the decolonization of all colonial peoples (colonies and Indigenous Peoples) did affect the parliamentary sovereignty of the Crown of Canada. The people should have been made the collective sovereigns holding prerogative and executive powers to delegate.
If this had been done as it ought to have been, the governments of Canada would be in their rightful places as public servants of the people to rule for them and not over or against them. Parliamentary sovereignty is only gained through the people and controlled by them as to how the parliament would continue to manage itself. Kershaw report section 96 states in part: “The Canadian Parliament is not “absolutely sovereign" but is (by the will of the Canadian community confirmed in 1931) subject to the constraints of a federal constitution. It would no (sic) be in accord with the established constitutional. (sic) position for the UK Government and Parliament to consider themselves constitutionally bound to accept unconditionally the constitutional validity of every request coming from the Canadian Parliament.”
Kershaw report section 103 states in part: “In our opinion, if the UK authorities must be said to have a duty to someone, it would be a duty or responsibility to the Canadian people or community as a federally structured community which has left its ultimate legal constituent powers in the hands of the UK legislature.”
Kershaw report section 110 states in part: “We think that if the UK Parliament is to take into account the clearly expressed wish of Canada as a whole, the approval of the majority of voters in a Province could properly be regarded as signifying the wish of that Province for that purpose.” Kershaw report section 113 states in part: “It is simply the responsibility of exercising the UK Parliament's residual powers in a manner consistent with the federal character of Canada's constitutional system, inasmuch as that federal character affects the way in which the wishes of Canada, on the subject of constitutional change, are to be expressed. It would be quite improper for the UK Parliament to deliberate about the suitability of requested amendments or methods of patriation, or about the effects of those amendments on the welfare of Canada or any of its communities or peoples.” International Law Before English and Asian Courts: Finding the Judicial Role in the Separation of Powers / Veronika FIKFAK* University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
“[i]nternational law is part of our law”.15 It was also explicitly referred to by Lord Denning in Trendtex: “it follows to my mind inexorably that the rules of international law, as existing from time to time, do form part of our English law - Blackstone claimed that international law forms part of domestic law to the full extent, with the domestic system accepting international law as part of the same legal order. His view appears to have been adopted by Justice Gray in The Paquete Habana, “[i]nternational law is part of our law”.16 and Justice Shaw: “[w]hat is immutable is the principle of English law that the law of nations… must be applied in the courts of England”.17 Asian Journal of International Law , Volume 3 , Issue 2 , July 2013 , pp. 271 - 304 DOI: Supreme Court of Canada - R. v. Hape, [2007] S.C.J. No. 2636 The English tradition follows an adoptionist approach to the reception of customary international law. Prohibitive rules of international custom may be incorporated directly into domestic law through the common law, without the need for legislative action. According to the doctrine of adoption, the courts may adopt rules of customary international law as common law rules in order to base their decisions upon them, provided there is no valid legislation that clearly conflicts with the customary rule. Unfortunately, voting in our present election system does not guarantee that those elected to government will fulfill their promises. It only serves to advance the rights of those elected to continue their COUP D’ETAT as evidenced since 1931. Advancing the rights of those elected is even more apparent since the 1970s in violation of our rights to collective self-determination. It does not protect our natural resources or stop our governing bodies from “going rogue”, as they have in the past and are presently doing, especially since 2020, by making illegal decrees in support of their Great Reset COUP D’ETAT without our informed consent.
Factual quote of our present-day situation in Canada: “The government did not employ the law during the darkest times of the COVID-19 pandemic, but now brings its wrath upon the truckers. The move represents incredible power being employed in arbitrary fashion, indicating not strength but weakness in Canadian government authority.” ~ by Richard M. Reinsch II However right Richard M. Reinsch II is, it is also about a government overreaching with an unsavory agenda, in blatant breach of our Constitution and sovereign rights, namely the Great Reset COUP D’ETAT.
Given the mess within our Constitution and the fraudulent acts perpetrated by past and present Canadian governments to ensure immunity from prosecution, or by illegally disallowing our rightful powers, we Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples are presently faced with no other legal recourse than the use of International Law to which Canada and the United Kingdom were signatories. We further request a formal Proclamation to correct these fraudulent acts as soon as possible to save our country and to restore peace, order and good governance.
By lawfully moving forward, we the Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples, as the collective sovereign, will have greater oversight with legal recourse over our governments surreptitiously selling our country and its resources or revoking our rights by invoking the GREAT RESET COUP D’ETAT created by the WEF, or any other form of dictatorship against our peoples, by reducing our status from citizen to client in our own country without our informed consent.
There are many more reasons why Canadians and Indigenous Peoples are protesting. They, too, see beyond the Canadian governments interference by paying off and manipulating the media and threatening any professionals who go against their narrative and COUP D’ETAT, including Justin Trudeau’s participation in the instigation of a war with Russia without our consent.
These reasons and many more are a combination of why we require your assistance and that of the United Kingdom Imperial Parliament so that Chaos can be averted.
By holding an emergency meeting of the United Kingdom Imperial Parliament, you have the opportunity to rectify the offences perpetrated on Canadian citizens and Indigenous Peoples, by placing them as the collective Head of State with full powers of the prerogative and executive final decision-making authority over and above the present Crown of Canada. Then the United Kingdom will be free to repeal the Canada Act 1982 once the corrections and assent has been given.
In the meantime, while awaiting your reply, we will continue to collect legally binding signatures enforcing the collective Political and Civil rights of both Canadians and Indigenous Peoples who sign the Canadian Citizen’s Convention of Consent form named “The Indigenous and Civil Unified Sovereign Enactment” in effect since 2014.
Nicole Lebrasseur, CEO
The Canadian Peoples' Union NFP
Tel: (226) 777-5580
RR2 Ohsweken, ON
Canada, N0A 1M0
cc: International Human Rights Organizations:
United Nations Human Rights Committee
The Organization of American States (OAS)
The Supreme Court of Canada
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Parliamentarians
The Senate
Privy Council of Canada
Appendix Enclosures with links:
1. UK – Canada Act 1982 Enacted
2. UK – Canada Act 1982 Revised
3. Emergencies Act
4. The Imperial Conference, 1937: Summary of Proceedings.
5. Legislation Volume 447: debated on Monday 12 June 2006
6. Statute Law Repeals: Consultation Paper
7. Statute Law Repeals: Review
8. HOUSE OF COMMONS First Report from the FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Session 1980-81
9. Canadian Citizen – Indigenous And Civil Unified Sovereign Enactment SAMPLE
10. Human Rights Committee - Statement on derogations from the Covenant in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic
Of course... all parties got us here to this poiint all parties are WEF sellout especially the conservatives... people have short memories ... I remeber anything but harper, but a last name means nothing... the parties are the problem. All acting on a stage... they all need to be locked up...
Thanks Jackie - maybe this will be easier for people to see the video :)
Trudeau can use the notwitstanding clause and decrees. However, the notwitstanding clause is unconstitutional and would have to be challenged.
I'd like to know what loophole Trudeau is referring to when he breaks the charter and the Constitution.
Thanks Jackie, that will depend on the Canadian people and how they respond to this, the funding we get to pay the caliber of legal teams we need here, and in the UK to apply pressure to the UK parliamentarians to hold a vote to make the changes. A vote in the UK Parliament is all we need.
first of all thank you, my question is will it be years before we hear what the outcome of the request.
Thanks Rejeanne!!! 😘
Thanks but as much as I appreciate you both, please refrain from discussing guns in the forum. As for joining the USA, I would rather die. They are doing this... Who do you think is the country we all have to report to? All are involved in the new world order since 1971.