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Do Collective Civil and Political Rights Exist? YES!!! Then Who Should Enforce Them?

Writer's picture: Nicole LebrasseurNicole Lebrasseur

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

Uncovering the Big Picture

Many of you were probably outraged at the results of the latest Public Order Emergency Commission. However, citizens must understand that we don't have our collective rights and that our political and judicial systems are not under our control. Furthermore, crucial legal information is missing from the Canadian law education curriculum. In order to actively engage ourselves in the search for a solution to all the madness we are witnessing since 2020, we must comprehend the many factors that hinder our fight for collective freedom. The road to a truly beneficial form of democracy and to our rightful place as Collective Head of State is certainly paved with obstacles, but with everything hanging in the balance, it is definitely worth a try.

If you are asking yourself why the petitions you have signed over the past years led nowhere, why the convoy and its supporters are still being vilified, and why the Commission ruled in favor of the Emergency Measures, the answer is simple: all three layers of our government (municipal, provincial and federal) are following a globalist and aggressive agenda and have no regard for the people. Our collective rights to self-determination and self-governance, which should have been properly enshrined in our Constitution since 1982, would have allowed the collective people - Canadian citizens as well as the Indigenous Peoples - to have full executive power and final decision-making authority over the elected officials, thus preventing many of the troubles we faced in the past years. Yet to this day, these veto rights are still disregarded while our other existing rights are also being destroyed, leaving us in a state of helplessness in the face of government corruption and tyranny.

Canada’s Obsolete Political System and Frayed Legal System

Our current obsolete political system, Partocracy, enables elected politicians to act upon the policies they choose. These politicians will favor policies that benefit themselves and the private sector actors who support them long before favoring policies that would actually be good for the people. For instance, do you find it appropriate that politicians with shares in pharmaceutical companies coerce us with what to put in our bodies? Absolutely NOT, especially when the World Health Organization cannot override our rights to bodily autonomy, as specified in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights! In addition, the only form of democracy in Canada is parliamentary democracy, which is a democracy only for parliamentarians. The collective people does not have a voice in government; plainly put, protests, petitions, convoys, and elections every four years will not motivate the government to respect us by honoring our rights.

To whom can we turn to for help when the government does not have our best interest in mind and our system allows us no political power? Lawyers with a solid knowledge of binding international human rights and constitutional law would be an obvious option. Yet, over the years, these concepts have been gradually removed or neglected from the curriculum. For instance, the 1985 Siracusa Principles and the history of the Rule of Law are missing from our legal education system. These principles could change the outcome from losing to winning our human rights cases, and the last three years could have been drastically different from an economic, health and labor perspective. Moreover, all politicians and legislative officials should be required to know the basics of international law binding within our Constitution before creating laws.

On top of an unfavorable political system – Partocracy - parliamentary democracy that concerns only parliamentarians, and major legal principles ignored by lawyers and politicians, something else must be considered. When it comes to citizens’ issues, most legal offices and politicians are in conflicts of interests due to government and corporate contracts, which further limits our access to legal counsel.

The citizens, in desperation, are grasping at straws to find a solution. Unfortunately, other obstacles hinder our progress when it comes to considering options, such as the Pseudo Law presumption. Donald J. Netolitzky and Richard Warman describe Pseudo Law as: '' a collection of legal-sounding but false rules that purport to be law, employed by groups including the Detaxer and Freemen-on-the-land movements''[1]. Many groups are misled by such rules that give false hopes because ''pseudo law is universally rejected by Canadian Courts’’[2]. An example of a Pseudo Law presumption that applies to this current fight is court self-representation. It is commendable that so many groups have gotten involved in the search for freedom and solutions, and that so many citizens have been educating themselves. We must nonetheless have the necessary knowledge to recognise Pseudo Law presumptions.[3]

One solution stands out

The PowerShift to Freedom - a project of the Canadian Peoples' Union NFP (C.P.U.) – is concerned with having our international rights to self-determination and self-governance recognized. These rights were given to the peoples in the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples 1960 and The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, which both Canada and the United Kingdom signed and legally ratified in 1976.While The PowerShift’s legal researchers are hard at work, a key action that concerns the rest of us is the ''Indigenous and Civil Unified Sovereign Enactment Convention of Consent'' at This is a living document created in 2014 to be signed by all Canadian and Indigenous Peoples 15 years old and over who want our combined rights to be lawfully recognized in our Constitution.

The Convention of Consent is free, completely confidential (contrary to petitions) and will become legally binding once it reaches 51% of the citizens in 7 provinces. Signing it is the ultimate way to show the government and the world how much we want our VETO rights over our government and ensure our safe and prosperous future. It is important to remind ourselves that our rights over our natural resources and the profits they generate are also among the many things that the government is stealing from us. The citizens should be duly recognized as the primary legal shareholders and co-owners of these Canadian resources.

With a proper democracy in place and the collective people as Head of State with final decision-making authority over our governance, taxation could be turned into dividends.

Becoming a formal member of the C.P.U. means you become a political game-changer, with the purpose of placing the civil and political rights power to the citizens through the PowerShift to Freedom movement. Your contribution helps finance the legal teams and expenses that will inevitably be necessary to set things right.

After the decadence of the elites will come the triumph of the Peoples!

We are in the midst of an epic cultural and political crisis that affects almost every Western country, and we must look forward to the day when the collective people will be able to ensure and maintain peace, order and good governance. We could take pride in how we replaced a corrupt political system and revamped democracy to suit the needs of the people rather than the greed of corporate and political interests.

We could help teach future generations of lawyers to respect international human rights laws, principles and treaties. All aspects of life in Canada could be positively influenced by the SHIFT of political POWER from the elites to informed and engaged citizens.

This could even be the dawn of an era when the Indigenous Peoples of Canada could finally be treated with the respect they deserve and, along with the Canadian citizens, could make sure the horrors and transgressions of the past centuries remain in the history books.

[1] “Enjoy the Silence: Pseudolaw at the Supreme Court of Canada” Donald J. Netolitzky and Richard Warman. Published in Alberta Law Review, March 2020 [2] Ibid. [3] “After the Hammer: Six Years of Meads v. Meads'' Donald J. Netolitzky, 2019. 56:4 Alta L Rev 1167 at 1168 [Netolitzky, “Hammer”]; McRoberts, supra note 19 at 643. This contains clues to detect and avoid pseudo law.

The Canadian Peoples' Union NFP

Nicole Lebrasseur

Tel: 226-777-5580

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